
Liberating Library is a book distribution program and online collection of relevant radical resources run by a Pan-African socialist.

Our ancestors and elders, who struggled before us, demonstrated the importance of political education and the role it plays in creating and sustaining an effective movement. The masses of African people, particularly those committed to organized struggle, must have knowledge of our true history and of past revolutions & liberation movements. We must also have a solid and comprehensive understanding of the systems that produce our ongoing oppression. It is with this knowledge that we create a path forward.


My goal is to make radical literature more accessible, to put people into meaningful contact with information sources, and to assist radical organizations & mutual aid collectives in providing Africans across the diaspora with the educational resources needed to raise our collective political consciousness and inspire collective action toward revolutionary goals.

To date, Liberating Library has gifted over 600 free books to community members, radical organizations, study groups, and other political education projects.